
Cooler Than Me



How do you define a date? Going for nice dinner with the opposite sex? It seems that it is a date for Japanese men and it is not a date for Japanese women. It's a case that a girl might not put out even if she comes over to your place for your home made dinner and nice wine with a conversation about your past relationships. Wouldn't it make you expect a sexy time with her?

Cooler Than Me by Mike Posner


Paradise Garage

今日は久しぶりにLarry LevanのMixを聞いた。
Paradise Garage

When I have cardio exercises, I have been listening to EDM, but I was in the mood for Paradise Garage mixed by Larry Levan today. I know I like this kind of music and it's a sort of the root of my favorite music. I wish I can live in NYC again.

Mixed by Larry Levan

Tomorrow Land (EDM)


Let's Call The Whole Thing Off


Let's Call The Whole Thing Off は可愛い曲でお気に入り。

Let's Call The Whole Thing Off by Louie Armstrong & Ella Fitzgerald 

After watching When Harry Met Sally, I miss talking to girls. I texted some girls, but only 2 girls working at piano bars texted me back. It fulfilled me though. lol
OST of the movie is really cool. It has some of my favorites.

どうにもならなくなってきたわ 私たちの関係がしぼんでいるのよ
あなたが好きなものは ソレとかアレ だけど、私は コレとかソレ
神様だけが 終わりを知ってるのね ああ、私はどうしたらいいの
まるで二人は 絶対一つになれないみたい どうにかしなくっちゃ

キミは イーザー って発音するけれど 僕は アイザー って言うだろ
キミは ニーザー って発音するけれど 僕は ナイザー って言うだろ
イーザー、アィザー ニーザー、ナィザー

キミの好きなのは ポティト だけれど 僕の好きなのは ポタート だ
キミの好きなのは トメィト だけれど 僕の好きなのは トマート だ
ポティト、ポタート トメィト、トマート


もし、キミと別れたりしたら 僕は傷ついちゃうよ

だから、もしキミが パジャーマ が良くて 僕は パジャマ が良いとしても
僕は パジャーマ を着て パジャマ は諦めるよ
だって、僕たちは一緒にいたいんだから やめにするのを、やめなくちゃ

あなたの発音は ラフター だけれど 私の発音は ラーフター
あなたの発音は アフター だけれど 私の発音は アーフター
ラフター、ラーフター アフター、アーフター

あなたの好きなのは ヴァニラ だけれど 私の好きなのは バニラ
あなたは サスパリラ だけれど 私は サスパレラ
バニラ、ヴァネラ チョコレート、ストロベリー



もし、あなたと別れたりしたら 私は傷ついちゃうわ

だから、もしあなたの好みが オイスター で 私の好みが アースター だとしても
私は オイスター を注文し アースター はキャンセルするわ
だって、私たちは一緒にいたいんだから やめにするのを、やめなくちゃ


Things have come to a pretty pass
Our romance is growing flat,
For you like this and the other
While I go for this and that,

Goodness knows what the end will be
Oh I don't know where I'm at
It looks as if we two will never be one
Something must be done:

You say either and I say either,
You say neither and I say neither
Either, either neither, neither
Let's call the whole thing off.

You like potato and I like potato
You like tomato and I like tomato
Potato, potato, tomato, tomato.
Let's call the whole thing off

But oh, if we call the whole thing off
Then we must part
And oh, if we ever part, then that might break my heart

So if you like pajamas and I like pajamas,
I'll wear pajamas and give up pajamas
For we know we need each other so we
Better call the whole thing off
Let's call the whole thing off.

You say laughter and I say laughter
You say after and I say after
Laughter, laughter after after
Let's call the whole thing off,

You like vanilla and I like vanilla
You sarsaparilla, and I sarsaparilla
Vanilla vanilla chocolate strawberry
Let's call the whole thing off

But oh if we call the whole thing of then we must part
And oh, if we ever part, then that might break my heart

So if you go for oysters and I go for oysters
I'll order oysters and cancel the oysters
For we know we need each other so we
Better call the calling off off,
Let's call the whole thing off.


When Harry Met Sally

スタンド バイ ミーを監督したロブ・ライナーの作品、恋人たちの予感。

Katz's Delicatessenのパストラミサンド食いて~。
Lower Manhattan闊歩して~。



This is directed by Rob Reiner who also directed Stand By Me. I love the movies set in NY. NY and Jazz match perfectly. I like the movies that have good scripts like Before Sunrise.

"Harry Burns: I love that you get cold when it's 71 degrees out. I love that it takes you an hour and a half to order a sandwich. I love that you get a little crinkle above your nose when you're looking at me like I'm nuts. I love that after I spend the day with you, I can still smell your perfume on my clothes. And I love that you are the last person I want to talk to before I go to sleep at night. And it's not because I'm lonely, and it's not because it's New Year's Eve. I came here tonight because when you realize you want to spend the rest of your life with somebody, you want the rest of your life to start as soon as possible."

When you sleep with a chick and your pillow smells of her perfume. It turns you on, doesn't it? 

When Harry Met Sally


London To Rome Via Paris

”恋のロンドン狂騒曲”、”ミッドナイト イン パリ ”、”ローマへ愛を込めて” では、


"To Rome with Love" by Woody Allen finally came up in Japan. I like "You Will Meet a Tall Dark Stranger" the most out of the latest 3 movies set in Europe by him. Men are simple, sore loser, too much proud and always want to get girls. A man Woody Allen describes in his movies is always like that.

"Midnight in Paris"

 "You Will Meet a Tall Dark Stranger"

"To Rome with Love"


What The Bleep Do We Know?

Power Of Tenを見て、NY留学時代に36歳ボヘミアンなお姉さんと
”What The Bleep Do We Know?”
Power of Ten reminded me of the topic I had at Spice Market by Jean Georges in Meat Packing District with a 36 year old bohemian lady when I lived in NYC.
The color I really see cannot be shared with other by photos.
The brown color of the table I see here cannot be same as the color you see.

This was the beginning and we went deeper and deeper. Then she told me this movie, What The Bleep Do We Know?. I don't like the spiritual part in the movie, but Qualia is always get me hooked on Philosophy.

What The Bleep Do We Know?


Power Of Ten



久しぶりにEamesのPower of Tenでも観ようかな。

I tried looking posh by decorating Scandinavian interior in my college days such as Ant chair & 7 chair by Jacobson, Table by Tendo Mokko, Fabrics by Marimekko, Glasses by Iittala, Tableware by Sori Yanagi, etc. I have moved every 4 years after my college graduation. I'm not able to collect good furniture.  food, clothing and shelter hasn't been fulfilling me. It's kind of stressful. I watch Power of Ten by Eames when I feel like that. It makes me feel that you are a way too tiny and the universe is a way too huge. I don't have to think about anything that worries me or makes me stressed out. Overall, I don't give a shit!!

Power of Ten by Eames